Carbon capture and use

Carbon capture is a process by which it is possible to isolate the CO2 present in the gases that are emitted in the processes of industrial combustion or electricity generation. This would be the first process of the techniques known as Carbon Capture, Storage and Use (CCUS).

After its capture, it is possible to use carbon dioxide in the same place where it has been captured or transport it to the place of use, which constitutes Carbon Capture and Use techniques (CCU).

Although this technology was developed at first in an industrial context, to use the CO2 present in the combustion gases in industrial processes, it is currently an interesting option to reduce CO2 emissions and to contribute to mitigation of climate change.



There are three procedures for capturing CO2:

  • Pre-combustion
  • Post- combustion
  • Oxy-fuel

Click here for more information.



Carbon capture and use